Home » NC Slams PDP Leader Waheed Parra for Desperate Move to Make Resurgence by Twisting Facts

NC Slams PDP Leader Waheed Parra for Desperate Move to Make Resurgence by Twisting Facts

In a scathing statement, the National Conference (NC) has criticized the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader, Waheed Parra, for what they term as a “desperate move” to engineer a political resurgence by allegedly twisting facts.

According to the latest information from our sources, Waheed Parra, who is currently under investigation for his alleged involvement in terror funding, has been accused of attempting to manipulate public perception to regain political relevance. The NC alleges that Parra is using misinformation and distortion of facts to gain sympathy and support from the masses.

As per records available in the public domain, Waheed Parra has a controversial political history. In November 2020, he won the District Development Council (DDC) elections from Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir. However, his victory was overshadowed by the serious charges brought against him.

The investigation against Parra led to his arrest by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in connection with the DSP Devender Singh terror funding case. The NIA had reportedly found substantial evidence against him, raising questions about his political conduct.

The NC’s accusations come at a time when the political landscape in Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing significant changes after the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019. The region has experienced new political alignments and emerging leaders seeking to fill the void left by the mainstream political parties.

It is important to note that the NC has been one of the prominent political parties in the region, with a long-standing history of political activism. Its leaders have expressed concerns that the alleged twisting of facts by Parra might not only compromise the integrity of the investigation but also have far-reaching implications on the political discourse in the union territory.

A senior spokesperson from the NC stated, “The attempt to deceive the public by resorting to misinformation is deplorable and disrespectful to the democratic values we uphold. It is essential that the investigation into Parra’s alleged involvement in terror funding is conducted impartially, without any interference or attempts to manipulate public sentiment.”

The PDP has not yet responded to these allegations made by the NC. As this controversy unfolds, it is becoming evident that the political landscape in Jammu and Kashmir remains highly charged and contentious.

In light of these developments, it is crucial for all stakeholders to ensure transparency and adhere to due process to maintain the credibility of the investigation and uphold the sanctity of democratic principles.