Home » SmartSearch, a West Yorkshire tech company, creates jobs because of the high demand for its ID checking platform.

SmartSearch, a West Yorkshire tech company, creates jobs because of the high demand for its ID checking platform.

SmartSearch, an anti-money laundering specialist in Yorkshire, has created nearly 30 jobs due to rising demand for its online ID verification and due diligence platform.

Ilkey-based regulatory technology company, which is headquartered in Ilkey, says it has posted record half-year results after experiencing a surge in demand and a 27{7a657f69ddfd62c7943f8c823de7e9cbec4dca2c41d743db19700e0cca7a3e87} increase in business growth.

According to the firm, there was an increase in users of 45,000 to 53,000. It has since increased its staff from 135 to 164 in January to June.

John Dobson CEO of SmartSearch said that the record numbers in 2021 were due to SmartSearch’s anti-money laundering product, which is an industry leader, becoming more important for regulated companies.

The technology of the firm can screen both new and existing clients, without the need for them to meet in person. The electronic verification technology can quickly identify genuine clients by taking details such as name, address, and date of birth.

SmartSearch is now available in the UK, US, and Europe. It opened its first office in the US in July last year. The company also expanded into the Netherlands earlier in the year.

John Dobson is the CEO of SmartSearch. The company now has operations in the UK, US, and EU. He said that the results were a reward to the SmartSearch team’s hard work.

He stated that “We have been constantly innovating over the past year in order to stay ahead of our competition. Although the market is becoming more competitive, none of the competitors in the sector can match our product’s breadth or efficiency.

“The pandemic has certainly attracted the attention and resources of fraudsters, and our product is more important than ever to stop it. Even though lockdown restrictions have been lifted, there are still businesses that operate remotely when they on-board clients. Our system allows them to quickly and easily identify their customers.

“Despite our rapid recruitment, we still need to grow our team because of the growth we have achieved in the first six months of the year. We are currently recruiting for a variety of roles including sales personnel, developers, and customer service professionals.

“We recently celebrated our tenth-year in operation, and the business continues to go from strength-to-strength. Every year brings its own challenges, maybe none as difficult as the last, but we are excited to be on track for another record-breaking season in 2021.